Transforming the Way Healthcare-Related Businesses Attract and Transact!

It is said 95% of all sales professionals are simply order-takers who are content with modest income and average career, and that’s fine for them… but not for us!

WE NEED TO ASK: Are you part of that special 5% who are true closers? Can you step up and ask for a one trial order without feeling shy, embarrassed, or uncomfortable? Are you well organized, self-disciplined, and possess strong management skills?

If you are truly confident about your professional communication skills, highly motivated to succeed, and are ready to take immediate action in creating your own business with on-going multi-revenue streams, then we urge you to fully investigate your long-term potential in our innovative ground-floor franchise opportunity.

A Widely Needed Service that Helps Healthcare Providers & Service Companies to Improve Patient Communications, Better Manage Receivables and Reduce Losses

MEDassurance solves some of the basic ongoing administrative challenges facing concerned providers including reducing losses and operating more profitably, and we’re able to do all of this and more without unnecessarily alienating their patients (Best of all, our proven services cost significantly less than the hefty fees and outrageous percentages many of today’s billing and collection services typically charge).

With our automated support services, providers are now able to truly customize and control all patient communications in an pre-approved, appropriate manner that meets both the service needs of their often-sensitive patients as well as the financial realities of their practice. With MEDassurance’s proven solutions to their serious business problems, dedicated healthcare professionals are now able to focus more of their attention on the health and long-term well being of their patients, instead of constantly worrying endlessly about the health of their business.

Do what You do Best with No Limits on Your Success!

MEDassurance offers time and money-saving services that every doctor’s office, hospital and healthcare provider currently needs. For that reason it is not a hard sell. In fact, it’s actually a soft sell with almost no risk and many attractive benefits and rewards.

Your role is to simply establish, maintain and retain the professional relationship, and we, in turn, will handle all processing and fulfillment for all of your clients on your behalf.

Franchisees will quickly discover this is a very simple and easy business to create and operate. There’s hardly any inventory, advertising requirements or staffing needs, and they can take the business as big and far as they wish.

In Healthcare, Like and Other Business, the Bottom Line is Always the Bottom Line

MEDassurance’s fully automated and user-customized service provides tremendous continuing savings in terms of time, effort and expense. With our innovative products and services, healthcare professionals can enjoy increased revenues, substantial reduction of unnecessary losses, and ultimately better achieve their goals of a thriving, consistently profitable practice that operates much more effectively and efficiently.

And as for your own bottom line….

We are strongly convinced that once you learn more for yourself about how MEDassurance can change lives by achieving long-term franchised success, you’ll agree the unlimited profit potential of this exciting ground-floor franchise opportunity is truly quite extraordinary, particularly in view of the minimal initial investment requirements.

A True Win-Win situation for Everyone with NO Limits on Your Success.

A very successful entrepreneur once noted, “There is no such thing as a missed opportunity… it simply passes from one person to another who possesses the vision to recognize it for what it truly is – a vehicle for success.

If you are sincerely interested in owning and operating an innovative business servicing the many serious needs of the booming healthcare industry, we invite you to learn more about this exciting ground-floor opportunity.

Please read this informative franchise section in its entirety. Then, if you are still serious about business ownership in the skyrocketing healthcare industry, simply use the attached franchise information request submission form to learn more.

Thank you for your time, interest and consideration. We look forward to further detailed discussions with you regarding your future and potential as our newest franchisee.

1202 Laurel Oak Road
Suite 208
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Toll-Free: (800) 217-5253
Local: (856) 784-2552
Fax: (856) 784-1141